smarter autoresponse system


Verified User
Aug 2, 2005
New York
Previous mail system we used (qmail) had a feature to only respond to a email once (within say a 6 hour period) when autoresponder was enabled. Can we add this to DirectAdmin to prevent email loops?
Have you tested? What does DirectAdmin do if autoresponders create a mail-loop?


Edit your /etc/exim.conf. In your userautoreply transport (2nd one down) there is a line that says:
#once = /etc/virtual/${domain}/reply/${local_part}.once
Change it to read:
once = /etc/virtual/${domain}/reply/${local_part}.once
save and restart exim. Note that it will then create "once" files which do grow, sometimes quickly, which why it's in limbo at the moment (removed because it filled up partitions). The obvious solution would be to add the check into the tally for large sizes, so I'll add that to the versions system for the next release.


Edit your /etc/exim.conf. In your userautoreply transport (2nd one down) there is a line that says:
#once = /etc/virtual/${domain}/reply/${local_part}.once
Change it to read:
once = /etc/virtual/${domain}/reply/${local_part}.once
save and restart exim. Note that it will then create "once" files which do grow, sometimes quickly, which why it's in limbo at the moment (removed because it filled up partitions). The obvious solution would be to add the check into the tally for large sizes, so I'll add that to the versions system for the next release.


Hi John,

will then prevent an autoresponse forever once the intial one goes out? I'm thinking more along the lines of preventing email loops, where say after 1 hour or so if the same from email address sends another email they will get the same autoresponse.

Meaning the file gets cleared out every so often.
I'm having a bit of a problem getting a full understanding.

If once_repeat is set to 2d, does that mean that each sender will only get an email a maximum of once per day? Or only get a reply to a specific email a maximum of once per day?



the once_repeat I believe means the time an email stays in the list. After 2 days, the email is removed (or allowed to be overwritten) thus if for example someone send an email to the responder every 10 minutes, they'll only get 1 reply every 2 days.

Ok new rpms and this feature deployed. I will let you know if we have any issues. We changed it to 1d instead of 2d. IMHO makes more sense logically.

With the default settings what would happen if someone sends an email to an autoresponder from an email address using an autoresponder?

Let's say you have 2 autoresponders on your server and someone injects an email to one with a from address being the other autoresponder.
