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Previous mail system we used (qmail) had a feature to only respond to a email once (within say a 6 hour period) when autoresponder was enabled. Can we add this to DirectAdmin to prevent email loops?
Have you tested? What does DirectAdmin do if autoresponders create a mail-loop?
#once = /etc/virtual/${domain}/reply/${local_part}.once
once = /etc/virtual/${domain}/reply/${local_part}.once
Edit your /etc/exim.conf. In your userautoreply transport (2nd one down) there is a line that says:Change it to read:Code:#once = /etc/virtual/${domain}/reply/${local_part}.once
save and restart exim. Note that it will then create "once" files which do grow, sometimes quickly, which why it's in limbo at the moment (removed because it filled up partitions). The obvious solution would be to add the check into the tally for large sizes, so I'll add that to the versions system for the next release.Code:once = /etc/virtual/${domain}/reply/${local_part}.once