SMTP relay blocked but all ports are open.


Verified User
Jun 9, 2024
Hi other DA users.
So i just switched from CyberPanel to DA. But now i'm running into an mail issue:
Yesterday (fairly fresh install, like 2 days ago) i could send Emails (for a short time) from my beloved SMTP relay Brevo.
But now when i wanna send an mail i'm getting an connection refused error:

024-06-09 13:07:41 1sGIGr-00000001EYK-0CJ7 <= <redacted> H=<redacted>l (kcmain) [<redacted>] P=esmtpsa X=TLS1.2>2024-06-09 13:07:41 cwd=/var/spool/exim 3 args: /usr/sbin/exim -Mc 1sGIGr-00000001EYK-0CJ7
2024-06-09 13:07:48 1sGIEs-00000001EX2-0uPV [] Connection timed out
2024-06-09 13:07:48 1sGIEs-00000001EX2-0uPV == <redacted> R=smart_route T=auth_relay defer (110): Connection timed out

Mail ports are open, i cant ping ``, domainname is authenticated, make an new SMTP login username + key.
Who else has idea's?
difficult, a few things I can think of are: Firewall, and did you add the brevo information to the DNS records of the server and domain names?

if port 587 is unavailable due to certain restrictions, a common alternative is port 2525. While port 2525 is not officially recognized as an SMTP port, most service providers widely use and support it.

So port 587 always worked at Hetzner because i requested it some time ago. Tho i found the issue: The IP was blocked at the SMTP relay (i think).
I made an new server (in the same project), moved everything to there and everything works fine now (with the same commands) :)