software installation


Verified User
Jul 4, 2004
I am trying to install request tracker port on FreeBSD 5.2.1. It requires apache 1.3.31 which is not installed since DA apache is installed. I have to install RT by hand. I will loose all the power of FreeBSD ports system and will have to install a lot of stuff one by one.
Is there some smater way to handle this type of issues on DA server ?

Hmm.. you could try to install an apache port, then install apache overtop of it with customapache. That way it will show up in the ports system, and you'll still have customapache. (Note: 1.3.31 is available in customapache, but I assume you mean in the ports system)

cd /usr/local/directadmin/customapache
rm -f configure.php
./build clean
./build update
perl -pi -e 's!(--with-xml \\)!$1\n\t--with-openssl \\!' configure.php
./build php
service httpd restart

Is thsi the correct way to install custom apache after the port.
it will preserve my current site config ?
Actually, I just added --with-openssl, so you don't need to worry. Even still, the configure.php file is not overwritten during a "build update". .only when the file isn't there is it downloaded.
