(Solved) - Multiple domains with email


Verified User
Dec 28, 2019

We have a customer that have multiple domains that they want to add emails from. I have notes that the user only can use one domain to add domains and can not have a list showing every domain that the user has for local mail. Please any that have the same issues that can help me how to fix this?
1 - verify that user has a package that allows him to manage more than a single domain ( /reseller/users/username/modify ... check "domains" item)

2 - user level: after login "create mail account" works for the first domain only. To select the second domain, go to "domains setup", just select the second domain, come back on "create mail account", and you will be able to create email account only for the second domain

NOTE: it would be nice that the user could be able to select the domain directly from "create mail account", without the need of this undocumented trick ... ;-)
To select the second domain, go to "domains setup", just select the second domain, come back on "create mail account", and you will be able to create email account only for the second domain

That surely has to be in the running for weirdest UI behaviour in a hosting control panel ever. But thanks for the tip!

NOTE: it would be nice that the user could be able to select the domain directly from "create mail account", without the need of this undocumented trick ... ;-)

Absolutely. If you make that a feature request, I'll second it for sure. Edit: Not needed. See below. :)
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I don't understand the problem. Can you post a screenshot?
If its what I am thinking then why not use the domain selector at the top while you are within the email accounts section?
If its what I am thinking then why not use the domain selector at the top while you are within the email accounts section?

:oops: Right. Um, yes, well… you could do that I suppose, but where's the challenge?

Did you hear that @Remitur and @dirux? No need for that 'undocumented trick'… There's a big fat domain drop-down selector right there at the top of the screen. ?
:oops: Right. Um, yes, well… you could do that I suppose, but where's the challenge?

Did you hear that @Remitur and @dirux? No need for that 'undocumented trick'… There's a big fat domain drop-down selector right there at the top of the screen. ?
Dang drop downs right there in broad daylight. ?