Solved (solvedThe REST API is one way that WordPress and other applications communicate with the server.


Verified User
Oct 18, 2021
At all my website at the health check wordpress at the same time, and the website are extremely slow and sluggish

The REST API is one way that WordPress and other applications communicate with the server. For example, the block editor screen relies on the REST API to display and save your posts and pages.

When testing the REST API, an error was encountered:

REST API Endpoint:
REST API Response: (http_request_failed) cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
all the sites
I had some update and i did it and it went away for an hour than came bak

can someone know about it
At all my website at the health check wordpress at the same time, and the website are extremely slow and sluggish
allow me to share the solution that I found it has something to do with max_execution_time, while mine was 600 which was causing the issue . I started to think what is the right setup for the the PHP setting.

this is my current PHP setting which I think needs adjustment
what is the proper

max input time ?
max input Vars?
[COLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.87)]
this solution above did solve my issue its still the same:
REST API Response: (http_request_failed) cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
help is appreciate it

in addition to all different type of errors

Screen Shot 2024-09-03 at 8.47.04 PM.png
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More information that might help if any one knows when i checked Apache error logs /var/log/httpd/error_log

2024-09-04 12:40:30.203541 [ERROR] [79847] No listener is available, stop server!
2024-09-04 12:40:30.305768 [ERROR] [79848] No listener is available, stop server!
2024-09-04 12:40:30.407896 [ERROR] [79849] No listener is available, stop server!
2024-09-04 12:40:30.509865 [ERROR] [79850] No listener is available, stop server!
2024-09-04 12:40:30.611756 [ERROR] [79851] No listener is available, stop server!

anyone has any solution
Thank you
Api Issue was caused by one single web site that spreads to all the other websites on the server, How I dont know ? anyway find the the exact website that caused all those trouble is very good step.
delete the website or suspend the site release the errors on all the other sites.
Than I deleted the site and reinstall from the back up I am getting a different API errors
REST API Response: (403) Forbidden
At the end eventually I find out that the security plugin of this website has an option to block the Rest API, sounds like I did that in the past by mistake.
Reset the security plugin reinstall with correct setup all good.

also there were some customer rule on cloudFlare WAF for secuirty that was blocking the Pi access which it should not, but it does.
I hope that helps, before doing a bigger unnecessary modification in the entire server
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