Some Basic doubts about upgrading Old Cent OS installation as well php/apache etc.


Verified User
Dec 7, 2005

I am not really into server admin but I have a server which I have to look after. Its CentOS 4.2 and its running old stuff ie. php 4.4.x and Apache 1.3 .

So I guess I should upgrade now.

First of all.. Can I just upgrade cent OS 4.2 to latest.. 4.6 or 5.2 using YUM ?

Yum -update ?

Or I need to take some precautions ? Bcz, full update will upgrade php/mysql/apache also, won't it affect DA config as DA install its own PHP/mysql/lamp etc.

Secondly :
I had installed zend optimiser/ mod_bandwidth limit and eaccelerator earlier ..
So, if I can do normal yum update.. then after Do I need to go for "Custombuild" to rebuild everything .. which will also help to upgrade my apache/php/mysql etc ?

Any thing which should need to know before doing all this ?

I hv to do this whole update as server performance is not good now a days and need lastest stuff in order to fully efficiently utilize scripts runnnig on server.
Also, my system always leave 75% RAM free but linux is supposed to use all RAM by doing cache etc.. but my system has lots of swapping to hard drive.. looking around I found that I need to do upgrades..

Advices are valued !!! ...
1. Yes, "yum update" will do that for you.
2. Yes, you can use CustomBuild if you want. You'll need to reinstall eaccelerator after PHP update/upgrade.
3. E.g.?
Custombuild will install php4 and php5 altogether .. right ?

About 3.. actually I never knew but my kernel was having problem and it was doing lots of disk swap even there was lots of free RAM, but last night I did upgrade to centOS 4.6 using YUM and that problem is solved..