some issues to config DA server


Verified User
Dec 14, 2007
1. Can directadmin run normal when i chmod following commands to 700: ls, ln, wget, dir, cat, tail?. I do it because i want to more security for my server.
2. I have two servers running directadmin, i want to move user from server A with reseller A to server B with reseller B, but all user's config no change (just change IP and reseller). How can i do it?
Please help me.
Why not just use jailed ssh.

You can chmod anything the way you want. Directadmin doesnt need those.

To move servers use reseller level backup and restore.

wget can be 700.. but I'm not sure about the rest.

For the most part, the scripts in /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/*.sh run as root, so 700 is enough.. however I have not tested the other binaries with 700, so I cannot say if using 700 will break them or not.

Why not just use jailed ssh.

You can chmod anything the way you want. Directadmin doesnt need those.

To move servers use reseller level backup and restore.

Sory i don't understand jailed ssh.
Please tell me how does it work?