Some mail not being spam-scanned?

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Verified User
Jul 3, 2006
Hi All,

in the past few days, a lot of spam mail never got scanned by spamassassin. SA scans most of the incomming mail just fine, adding the x-spam headers. Tho some email is comming trough without x-spam headers.

The messages are clearly spam, but i just don't get it how it's possible that these messages bypass SA entirely? The messages typacly have a 157k attachment.

I did.

apperantly it's a problem buggin more than my servers alone... :s
it all depends on the dark art of keywords if one would find the right topic. In 100+ topics with 'spamassassin' it's difficult for a dutchman to find what he's looking for.

Hence, i did search, but didn't find any topic with the same question :p
it all depends on the dark art of keywords if one would find the right topic. In 100+ topics with 'spamassassin' it's difficult for a dutchman to find what he's looking for.

Hence, i did search, but didn't find any topic with the same question :p
Its on the first search page for me and 'Spamassassin doesn't check some mails' isn't hard to find.

Anyways keep checking the other topic for any replies etc.
well i missed it. sorry for that leet ubermaster of the dark art of searching :)

Now for the sulution of this bug...
Just because a solution isn't found doesn't mean it's time to start a new thread. This thread is now closed.

I'll respond in the other thread.

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