Some realy strange errors


New member
Jan 28, 2009

First i'm sorry if i put this in the wrong board.

I'm having realy heavy problems on my server.

Os = CenTos with D.A

Now my errors/problems

on one site i'm working with joomla. maps are chmodd to 777 but still having errors that joomla has no rights to upload and install .

on a other site i'm working with SMF forum. Packages has 777 chmod but getting there the error that the packagemanager has no rights.

SO i went tot the joomla and smf board to ask whats wrong. Both said thats a directadmin problem

I'm realy getting sick of it. I can't get the stuff working as it should be.

Please help

ps. i'm running on my own server.

Before that i was hosted on a server @ a hosting compagny. never problems with installations ect... always the correct rights of the maps.
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i have this problem, Why it must pass the rights 777 . i do not understand.. I use Custombuild but ca does not work?
You posted access to your server. Said access can be used to destroy the server. So I deleted the information. Nevertheless it was up quite a while, and may be in Google's cache; you should probably check your box carefully to see if it's been hacked. You may need to rebuild it.

I sent him a pm to do that before 3 days but i don't know if he changed it
I don't have troubles with SMF or Joomla, the package manager in SMF is a bit tricky, although I dont remember the exact fix for SMF, I did get it done :rolleyes: