Spam Blocker


Verified User
Feb 19, 2006
I just buy a DA spamblocker plugin , but there is not how to or instructions about this plugin ? I dont know what url or web to use to install this scrip
Thanks for the response, koh, since I'm not always available :) .

I spoke to Onno today and we're going to create a "front page" for the plugin site where help and information can be found.

That would be great!

Its always the easiest things I tend to overlook. Sometimes they're right in front of my face!

It actually took me a while to find the plugin manager when I first bought spamblocker, so I totally sympathize.

I had to save the URL to the spamblocker administration, though, as I can't seem to find a button or anything to get to it otherwise.
arazel, there should be a plugin link (in red) on the main admin login page for DA.

That's the only link, as only the system administrator should have the rights to run it.

Yes there is, silly me!

I was using the "default" skin which uses images. Once I changed over to Power_User skin, it showed up.

I literally just noticed and it seems only a few minutes off from your post replying.

Thank you!