Spam Filter Addition


Verified User
May 24, 2004
London, UK
The Spam filter that blocks email containing a certain word works on the subject line and body of the email.

I would prefer this split between subject line and body because some words in a subject line (words like.. discover, revealed, fortune, millions, hottest, girls etc etc) are generally not suitable for me within a subject line but these words within the body of an email could be used in a totally different context and are acceptable.

I figured that a couple of checkboxes next to each word, one for subject line one for body of email would be a simple way of presenting it in the skin. Unsure of how easy it would be to rig up behind the scenes.

Useful feature or not useful feature?

Could be usefull ;) Another feature would be to let hits (like the spamassassin interface) go into a specified folder ? Would be very very usefull! ;)
I think the best is a filter capability as in C-Panel: you can set where to look (which header, body), how (contains, exact match, begin with), what to do.

This a gui implementation of Exim filters