Spamassassin and email accounts..


Verified User
Jun 10, 2004
On my server I have all email that is sent to unknown address to just be deleted. I have a number of forwarders setup so the email sent to that particular address gets delivered to a main account. My question is.. Does Spamassassin get to the mail before the forwarders/default address setting take effect? The reason I ask is because I see allot of address that I do not have defined in the forwarder section getting tagged as spam and delivered to the spam box.
Yes. There's a reason why your catchall selection is not recommended. DA handles the email completely and then throws it away only after it's passed all tests. The best way to set your catchall is to refuse the email and report back to the sending server that it's undeliverable. It does this in real time and doesn't let the email on to your server. It saves a lot of resources.

Yes. There's a reason why your catchall selection is not recommended. DA handles the email completely and then throws it away only after it's passed all tests. The best way to set your catchall is to refuse the email and report back to the sending server that it's undeliverable. It does this in real time and doesn't let the email on to your server. It saves a lot of resources.


I don't have a catch all configured. All un-routed mail is deleted. Setting it up to Fail and notify the sender seems like suicide, specially since there is over 3k in un-routable emails a week. Lot's of un-needed mail traffic, and I would imagine that most are spoofed addresses anyway.

I was hoping that exim would just removed un-routed email before spamassisan got to it. But it does not look to work that way.
Fail is the right choice because Fail means that exim will refuse to accept the mail; it'll never even get on your server. notify the sender simply means the sending server will be told you're refusing the mail.

It uses a lot less resources than accepting the email, processing it, and then throwing it away.
