SpamAssassin: Not functioning (possibly not at all)


Verified User
Feb 28, 2007
SpamAssassin: Not functioning (possibly not at all) - How to remove?


I installed SpamAssassin myself using DA's guide on installing SA and having it work with DA.

I had some issues where I felt it wasn't blocking spam effectively.

I contacted the management company I use and asked them to investigate. They uninstalled SpamAssassin and upgraded it.

Now, I am unsure how they did this but I am pretty sure they didn't think about DirectAdmin when they did it.

Safe to say, I'm getting about 80 Spam messages a day now, really obvious stuff that SpamAssassin blocked previously with no problems at all. It appears SA is not blocking ANY spam what so ever, and there are absolutely no SA "headers" present in any emails that come through my server.

The management company have said that "SpamAssassin is running and we can see no problems" - SA is indeed "running", but it appears to be doing nothing at all.

I've decided I'd like to remove SA completely and reinstall it myself. The problem I have is, where I originally installed SA via DA (it shows as Active and Installed via DA control panel) I am unsure how I remove it fully so DA sees it as gone?

Could someone tell me how I go about removing it completely so I can start from scratch and again follow DA's instructions on how to install it.

Many Thanks,

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As I said, I need instructions on how to completely remove it so DA sees it as gone - Then I'll attempt to reinstall.


All you need to do for DA to not recognize spamassassin so that the control panel will say its not installed and give you the same link I did above is to stop the spamd process.

# ps -fax|grep spamd
# kill -9 PID

You can then manually delete or rename spamd, spamc, and spamassassin if you wish. They would be overwritten by a reinstall if they are located in the /usr/bin directory.

# whereis spamc

To check the version installed Run:
# spamc -V

Make sure transport line in exim.conf points to correct location of spamc
Check your exim.conf. There are the internal transport rules for the mail and there are the blocklists listed. If whisffull, i can take a look voor a second opinion.
jamin1317 , thank you for the answer - I'll give that a shot now.

Randy, also thank you for the help.
