Spamassassin reenable after restart httpd


Verified User
Oct 8, 2003

Spamassassin is reactivated all alone on all accounts of the users after having to restart httpd Why???


in the DA control panel... in user account
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and????? why spamassassin reenable for all users (disable) after restart httpd??
Spamassassin and httpd have nothing to do with each other, so I have no idea why spamassassin would be enabled after you restart it. AFAIK, restarting httpd via DA just sends a "service httpd restart" command, so I would be very surprised if these are related.

When you say "enabled", what do you mean? Do the messages have spamassassin headers or is the subject being rewritten or is the option just available to users again, or...?

If spamassassin is enabled for the DA user, and the user has activated it for any domain that s/he owns, it will be active for all domains. This just means that every message will have spam headers. Each domain also has a configuration file specifying what to do with the message if it is marked as spam.

If spamassassin is disabled in a domain email menu, this will remove the /home/user/.spamassassin/user_prefs file, meaning that all domains owned by that user will not have email processed by exim's spamcheck_director and thus will not get spamassassin headers. If it is enabled for any domain, though, the user_prefs file will get created and messages for all domains owned by that user will be processed.

When you disable spamassassin for a domain, make sure that the /home/user/.spamassassin/user_prefs file is actually deleted. I don't believe that this file can be generated in any way other than enabling spamassassin in the domain email menu, and if it doesn't exist, messages won't be scanned.

If there's a task.queue command for regenerating it, that would be my only guess, but I can't find any reference to one nor is there any kind of configuration switch that I can find that would cause the choice to be persisted and thus affected by the task queue.