i am not sure if the post should go in email, 3rd party or where so i am putting it here....
this post was made at the pinacle of my frustration with SA. For goodness sake, if I can't resolve this, I am going remove the ()*#$$)$ thing from the server.
I have one domain prodominately that is having spam issues just by sending a message from one person to the other in the same domain, let alone the same office. This is just getting frikin rediculous. Maybe it is frustrating because I don't know how to fix this but i can tell you what I have done.
1. changed their SA threshold to 50. No change. They send a message and the email comes in saying they exceeded the 5.0 threshhold. hmmm, so it is not changing the threshold on the server but their control sure says 50 or whatever number i make it.
2. enter *@theirdomain.com to allow any messages through.
stopped/restarted spamd and exim.
person sends self a message and BAM, blocked by spam again, exceeding 5.0 threshold.
This is totally frustrating and frankly, SA is proving to be more a pain in my side that it is worth. Not only do they have this problem with SA, I have other domains where people are complaining that they are not getting their messages...sometimes when they send it to themself. So far, SA sucks. plain and simple.
Can anyone help me figure out what is going on? my head hurts....litterally.
thanks in advance...
this post was made at the pinacle of my frustration with SA. For goodness sake, if I can't resolve this, I am going remove the ()*#$$)$ thing from the server.
I have one domain prodominately that is having spam issues just by sending a message from one person to the other in the same domain, let alone the same office. This is just getting frikin rediculous. Maybe it is frustrating because I don't know how to fix this but i can tell you what I have done.
1. changed their SA threshold to 50. No change. They send a message and the email comes in saying they exceeded the 5.0 threshhold. hmmm, so it is not changing the threshold on the server but their control sure says 50 or whatever number i make it.
2. enter *@theirdomain.com to allow any messages through.
stopped/restarted spamd and exim.
person sends self a message and BAM, blocked by spam again, exceeding 5.0 threshold.
This is totally frustrating and frankly, SA is proving to be more a pain in my side that it is worth. Not only do they have this problem with SA, I have other domains where people are complaining that they are not getting their messages...sometimes when they send it to themself. So far, SA sucks. plain and simple.
Can anyone help me figure out what is going on? my head hurts....litterally.
thanks in advance...