SpamAssassin stops working


New member
Jun 2, 2008

The spamfilter stops when a customer uses more than the allowed
discspace. SpamAssassin simply just stops working. Give the customer some more space and its running again.......

All customers have problems if ONLY one customer is exceeding his limit.

How can this be solved?

Regards Raymond

A limit is a limit..

I don't think we'd be making exceptions for small things that live within the limit..
However, the quota systems do have softlimits and hardlimits.
At the moment, both are set to be the same value.

If there were enough demand, we could change the quotas slightly to have the hardlimit slightly higher than the softlimit, just to add a bit of grace time for a user to bring his usage down again.

From our experience however, users usually won't delete anything until they actually hit a hard limit.. so the softlimit would be good for users who actually pay attention to things, but if they just ignore things, then you'd only end up using more disc space in the difference between the 2.
