SpamAssassin teach cron not working after update to 1.62


Verified User
Sep 14, 2015
My teach cronjobs, as described in the docs here, are not working anymore after the update to 1.62. I log every teach cron so I traced it back to this update, before everything was working fine, after the update the cronjob stopped working.

I get these errors after every inbox:

config: could not find site rules directory
config: registryboundaries: no tlds defined, need to run sa-update

And this at the end:

Syncing data...

config: could not find site rules directory
config: registryboundaries: no tlds defined, need to run sa-update

Current status:
config: could not find site rules directory
config: registryboundaries: no tlds defined, need to run sa-update
ERROR: Bayes dump returned an error, please re-run with -D for more information

sa-update has been run, SpamAssassin re-installed. The thing is: if I run the script manually it works without any issues.

Did something change, permissions or something like that, for cronjobs in v1.62?
Alrighty removing


from the user crontab fixed it. Never seen this in a crontab. Is it safe to remove this line, or do I break something else? I have jail set to 1 in directadmin.conf. Jail is disabled for the user.

Maybe this is why this line appeared in every users crontab?
Even with jail=0 in directadmin.conf this line comes back after editing the crontab in DA interface. How can I completely remove this crap from my system?