SpamAssassin threshold description


Verified User
Jan 2, 2007
North Wales, UK
A lower threshold will block more spam, but can potentially tag legitimate mail.
A higher threshold will let more spam through, but is less likely to tag legitimate mail.

shouldn't that be:

A lower threshold will let more spam through, but is less likely to tag legitimate mail.
A higher threshold will block more spam, but can potentially tag legitimate mail.

wanna explain? i dun understand lol

SpamAssassin assigns points to each mail based on content, etc. An email scoring 2 points may be perfectly legitimate, whereas 9 points is more likely to be spam. If you set a high threshold of 10, the email scoring 9 would get through. OTOH, if you set a custom threshold of 2, then no doubt there will be honest emails marked as spam.
In other words, the lower the "score" you set for SpamAssassin, the stricter it becomes for filtering mail...

For example, if you set the SpamAssassin score at 1, then there's a very good chance that it will block legitimate e-mail.

But if you set the score high, let's say 10, then you will most likely receive ALL of your legitimate e-mail, but at the same time, you will receive tons of spam too.

I think score level 5 is a good balance between good and bad e-mail.