spamassassin user_prefs problem


Verified User
Dec 21, 2004
I'm having a problem with the DA User SpamAssassin panel on FreeBSD.

As a User -> Mail Management / SpamAssassin Setup -> near the bottom of the screen is a link named "Manually edit the config file yourself".

The problem is that DA seems to expect to save the file to a file named "user_prefs" in the user's ~/.spamassassin directory, but there's no ~/.spamassassin directory by default, and there's no provision to create one if it's missing and DA gives an error instead. Clearly this is a problem for a user.

Is this a feature or a bug, and if it's a feature, where is the knob or config file where I can set this and if it's a bug, what is the workaround?

What I have done is created the dir and file in '/usr/share/skel', which is the skeleton dir used for new accounts created. This is for FreeBSD it might be different on linux.
OK, that worked (on FreeBSD):

# mkdir /usr/share/skel/.spamassassin

I consider this a bug since I needed to do "outside" of DA as root, something that DA could have easily detected and done on its own; just create ~/.spamassassin directory if it does not exist before opening ~/.spamassassin/user_prefs.

Where does one file a DA bug report?