

Verified User
Apr 29, 2005
Dear sirs,

We are using DirectAdmin including Spamassassin right now for a couple of years, and the last year we have really often complaining customers. They complain about the the Spamfilter, and actually also our own experiences are realy bad. What can we do about this software? It has to improve...

Can you help us with this?

I can't see where it says it's specific to mbox installs. But there isn't anything special you need todo for dovecot and that script works fine.

They complain about the the Spamfilter, and actually also our own experiences are realy bad. What can we do about this software? It has to improve...
Do you mean the DirectAdmin Spam Filter? That has nothing to do with SpamAssassin.

Specifically what are they complaining about?

I can't see where it says it's specific to mbox installs. But there isn't anything special you need todo for dovecot and that script works fine.


I believe that one or more of the directories have changed. Is that correct? Aren't spam messages in Dovecot stored in .INBOX.spam and not just spam?
Do you mean the DirectAdmin Spam Filter? That has nothing to do with SpamAssassin.

Specifically what are they complaining about?


Sorry, I'm not very familiar with spamsoftware.
In our basic DAinstallation you have to options when you log in as a user: "SPAMfilters" and "Spamassassin Setup". Because of the last link I think it's realy Spamassassin. As I said, I'm quite an amateur in Spamfilters, so that's why I need help. I don't know how to improve the software, and my ISP doesn't know it either... ( That's not their mistake because I wanted DA, also after they told me they aren't very known with it.. They can help me as ROOT, but they don't have a solution for the problem right now)

Spam Filters are NOT part of SpamAssassin. They're part of the exim filtering system. Unless you can explain the complaints there's no way I can explain why they might be happening or what you might do to fix the problem.
