Spamblocker Blocking Page


Verified User
Oct 13, 2004
So I got spamblocker setup and all is well. However there is a few things I would like to be able to do.

When the customer gets sent to the (which is now my page), can I pass in the sender email and the to email address. I assume this is done via macros in exim.conf. Basically I want people to be able to email the person they originally intended to. And then the second part is allow that user to somehow add domains/emails on the whitelists. It would be better if these are individual whitelists, but if it goes on the global one that's fine also..but is there an easy way of doing this?

Thanks All in advance.
The line in exim.conf is returned to the sender by the sender's server, so whether or not it'll send an entire link, or just a non-clickable error message is entirely up to the sending server.

Sure, you can write code to allow users to use (and possibly misuse) whitelists. You're entirely on your own if you do.

Whitelists are systemwide, so it's best the sysadmin administer them, but you can do whatever you want.

Thanks for your reply. I kind of wish your plugin had an option to do that, for my users could add people to a whitelist (but just see their own whitelists). I'd probably buy it then.

The other thing, is that if there is a link there, can it be a dynamic one, does exim.conf allow to make a link like${sender_email}&to=${to_email} ( I don't think those names are right).
MrEnigma said:
Thanks for your reply. I kind of wish your plugin had an option to do that
To do specifically what?
for my users could add people to a whitelist (but just see their own whitelists). I'd probably buy it then.
Whitelists are system wide, not domain wide.

Creating a domain-specific whitelist can be done, but it will require dynamic changes to exim.conf every time a domain is added/deleted. It's doubtful I'd include it in SpamBlocker; it would create a support nightmare for a public domain program.

It probably will be included in MailBlocker Pro, or at least in an eventual version of MailBlocker Pro, as we are looking at the options.
The other thing, is that if there is a link there, can it be a dynamic one, does exim.conf allow to make a link like${sender_email}&to=${to_email} ( I don't think those names are right).
I don't think exim cares about the link. I don't know if it would do the substitution or not; you'll have to test.

But the problem, as I mentioned previously, is that all mailservers may not handle the message properly; we've found that short simple messages are most likely to get back to the sender, and so that's what we use.

That makes sense. Thanks for all your input, maybe someday I'll try Mailblocker Pro.

Again thanks.
We'll have to finish writing it first :) .

It's a lot of work because it writes exim.conf on the fly depending on the configuration settings.

Its more the html source I am interested in since I cant code html to save my life. But that form looks nice, right clicking and selecting view source is the source code right?