SquirrelMail 500 Int. Server Error


Verified User
Apr 7, 2004
Hello all,

I just updated to SquirrelMail 1.4.19 via the Update.Script file and now when I try to access the www.modemnet.net/squirrelmail URL, I'm presented with a 500 Internal Server Error.

I am pretty sure I know what is causing it, and that being that I have suPHP installed and like with other web-apps I've used, resetting permission levels solves the problem. However in this case, setting the SquirrelMail directory to 0755 along with all files and subfolders to 0755 has NOT helped.

Any ideas of what I need to do next?

First thing to check is your logs. A place to start would be /var/log/suphp.log.

Have you reset the permissions by using the following commands?

chown -R webapps:webapps /var/www/html
find /var/www/html -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} \; -print
find /var/www/html -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \; -print
find /var/www/html -name "*.pl" -exec chmod 0744 {} \; -print
find /var/www/html -name "*.cgi" -exec chmod 0744 {} \; -print
That solved the problem for me, but I have one customer who is still getting the 500 error.

*I* am not getting that and I even had around a dozen people on my IM list testing the page and it loads fine for all of them. Does anyone know what may be causing one customer to get this error, but works for the rest???
That solved the problem for me, but I have one customer who is still getting the 500 error.

*I* am not getting that and I even had around a dozen people on my IM list testing the page and it loads fine for all of them. Does anyone know what may be causing one customer to get this error, but works for the rest???

I hate to reply on this old thread but I have the same issue. One client and we are using squirrelmail version 1.4.22.

No other users are complaining. Any clues?
The logs don't say anything that stands out. I've run configtest on the squirrelmail installation and could not find anything except

"ERROR: You have enabled any one of magic_quotes_runtime, magic_quotes_gpc or magic_quotes_sybase in your PHP configuration."

However, the user did say they turned on filters in squirrelmail before this issue started. Is there a way to turn off filters for one particular user without disabling the plugin?
There definately will be something in the apache error log for the internal server error.
There definately will be something in the apache error log for the internal server error.

You were right. I didn't think they were related but gave it a stab. I was getting Zend requires version errors on that domain only which is weird. I've rebuilt PHP and reinstalled Zend and those errors are gone now. But that one particular user cannot login to squirrelmail still 500 error.

Script timed out before returning headers: redirect.php, referer: http://domainname/webmail/src/login.php

Does anyone know how to turn off a plugin for a specific user/domain without disabling the whole plugin for all users/domains?
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