SquirrelMail disabled by default for new installs.

DirectAdmin Support

Staff member
Feb 27, 2003

As SquirrelMail 1.4.22 was released back in 2011, we felt it only wise to not include it by default for new installs.
You can still install it by typing:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build set squirrelmail yes
./build squirrelmail
but be sure to install it before you restore any Users (else the SM data wouldn't be restored).

We've been updating the installed version to be random samplings of their SVN repo to acomodate newer patches/fixes, but can't be considered "stable" as it's never a locked version for testing before a normal release. (eg: RC1)

We'll be more than happy to change the default back to "yes" should be project release a new stable version :)

Existing installs will not be affected.

This is a good move. Were going to be removing Squirrelmail soon.

However, has any consideration been put into replacing Squirrelmail with Horde?
"This is a good move." ... You mean "was".
This announcement topic is from 2 years ago.

Anyway, at the time this topic was made it could have been a legimate question perhaps, but now, 2 years later, Horde seems as good as abandoned as well.
So why replace one dead mailclient with another dead one?
While the released stable hasn't been updated in a long while, they are still releasing Nightly Builds so SquirrelMail is not a dead project. Just sucks that I have to do extra work now to install it.

Also Rainloop looks good.