Squirrelmail themes


As long as you keep the config.php file intact, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to use it.

netmotiv8 said:

Has anyone seen this site which does a cool template for squirrelmail http://www.lovemyhost.com/sqmail.html

Anyone using it?
Is it compatible with version shipped with DirectAdmin?
Anyone else does theme for squirrelmail with similar modern look?

Neil :D

I would greatly appreciate if you could direct me to this theme.
It seems like the link is unavalable.
I searched all over the place to get a decent theme. This is so appealing.
I saw an image on one of the BB and didn't get any response from anyone.

Thank you in advance

nutsmail.com seems to be the only site offering Squirrelmail skins now.


Voxthemes.com say squirrelmail skins 'coming soon'

The link i gave in my first post no longer exists and can only think that the company offering them no longer exists either.

If anyone else can point me in the direction of some top quality skins then that be great!

Neil :D

Well, thank you both.

In that case, does any one still have that zip file downloded from the now inactive site? I am assuming it was a zip download(most of them are that way).
If so, would anyone of you be kind to share?

Would prefer to see a generic skin rather than plastering it with XP this and XP that etc.

XP stuff and alike will wind up my linux through and through customers.

Remove the XP logo and I would consider buying it.

Just my 2p

Neil :D
Don't bother with nutsmail...

Post Removed
If you want to repost with specifics of a problem you had with them that's fine. But just a statement that you had a problem is not fair either to them or to prospective clients.

netmotiv8 said:
I have just read that there maybe a problem buying from nutsmail, a couple people had some issues. Check out this thread:

http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showt...15&highlight=squirrelmail themes&pagenumber=1

So be aware
Literally two people.

One they couldn't reach through email; he supplied them with an alternate email address and he got it.

The other complained because he didn't get his package quickly enough (Nutsmail delivers at least as quickly as DA does), and got a refund.

They accept PayPal; it's very safe because if you complain PayPal will reverse the transaction.

Re: Don't bother with nutsmail...

jgrissom said:
Post Removed
If you want to repost with specifics of a problem you had with them that's fine. But just a statement that you had a problem is not fair either to them or to prospective clients.


Yeah you're right... I shouldn't just say I had a problem..

Though the problem was, very strange...
They had an error on their server, which is used to authenticate your use of the nutsmail app.
Their problem caused my webmail to stop working. (No joke I'm not kidding or exagerating)

---- BUT --------------

He has responded to me... with the correct solutions..

So in all this... I'm the impatient bad guy here..


You were right to take this post down.
Daniel Miller (nutsmail.com) is a stand up guy. From what I'm seeing...