SSH Problems


New member
Jun 7, 2004
What the hak is wrong i cant login with my normal users on SSH.. before i installed DirectAdmin all worked fine.. i added a user in DirectAdmin.. i saw it maked a user on the system then i changed its password and then i could login with that user thrue.. How to do so Directadmin dont make a SSH login on the server.. And how to get my old user accounts to work..

Please answer quickly.!
You need to make sure the users are in /etc/ssh/sshd_config with a line that looks like:
AllowUsers username
where the username is the name of the user that is allowed to log in via ssh. DirectAdmin may have rewritten that file based on all the users on your system that have the ssh box checked in their setup. It is not checked by default, so you may not have many users listed there.