Ssh user from Direct Admin or root?


Verified User
Feb 23, 2009

I create a new vps with direct admin as a root and then Direct admin create a username and password that works also with ssh.

What the most companies give to the customers?

Both or only the user that Direct admin create for security reasons?

What a user can do to other vps or node with the root account...


I create a new vps with direct admin as a root and then Direct admin create a username and password that works also with ssh.

What the most companies give to the customers?

Both or only the user that Direct admin create for security reasons?

What a user can do to other vps or node with the root account...


Root is the server owner
admin is the directadmin master user

that's all that is.
If you don't want to give user ssh access for root
change it and save it to yourself.
you can remove admin account's ssh permit by:
click List Administrators while logged in as admin
click admin user name
click modify reseller admin
untick ssh access box.

But don't forget as admin user can always give this permission back to himself :)