SSL cert only for reseller

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Verified User
Jun 28, 2008
Okay, I have one admin account with one reseller account. The reseller has no users. The admin has no users.

I have two ip addresses.

I want to assign an ip address to the reseller for an ssl cert.

Tried many combinations and still get the dreaded: You can only add a certificate if you own the ip you are using.

Need exact instructions as I have tweaked everything and cannot go back to square one. Thanks.
Solved as per other post. The difficulty was Modifying your own user data.

As per another post:

1) Make sure the new IP is given to the Reseller. It should show up and be "Free" under Reseller Panel -> IP Assignment

2) As the Reseller, go to: Reseller Panel -> List/Modify Users -> Modify your own User Data -> Select the new IP and click Save.
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