SSL Cert Question


Verified User
Jun 21, 2004
I am going to be signing up with InstantSSL and will be using the DRAMS billing system.

I have seen 101 ways (slight exageration) of ways that people set up their system.

Is it best to make a cert for a url like or what? I am really green behind the ears on this...

please help....
For our shared cert, which all our clients can use, we use a cert at "". For individual client certs, we let them have what they want.

SSL install solution?

Greetings and thanks for the info!

I signed up with InstantSSL and should have the cert soon enough.

Should I need to install OpenSSL as well or is that not needed?
I am thinking it is because I may run subdomains, which I understand are not covered under the cert.

Also, until I have the new cert installed, is it a good idea to install OpenSSL?
I don't want to have a configuration issue later so I am looking for the best way to go about this.

Any suggestions?
Kind Regards...