I have some problems to install a class 2 certificate for my dedicated server.
I got 4 files from startcom
- the encrypted key : (ssl.key)
- decrypted key
- ssl certificate (ssl.crt)
- class 2 certificate : (sub.class2.server.ca.pem)
- root certificate (ca.pem)
In the panel I put the decrypted key + ssl certificate, then I validated. Then, there is the option to put the root certificate, so I ticked the box "Use a CA Cert" and I copy paste the content of this file ca.pem. But this way doesn"t work. Moreover, what can I do with the file sub.class2.server.ca.pem ? That's really not clear how to install the ssl. For your information, I have one dedicated server with one fixed ip. Please help me because I become crazy with this.
Thank you
I have some problems to install a class 2 certificate for my dedicated server.
I got 4 files from startcom
- the encrypted key : (ssl.key)
- decrypted key
- ssl certificate (ssl.crt)
- class 2 certificate : (sub.class2.server.ca.pem)
- root certificate (ca.pem)
In the panel I put the decrypted key + ssl certificate, then I validated. Then, there is the option to put the root certificate, so I ticked the box "Use a CA Cert" and I copy paste the content of this file ca.pem. But this way doesn"t work. Moreover, what can I do with the file sub.class2.server.ca.pem ? That's really not clear how to install the ssl. For your information, I have one dedicated server with one fixed ip. Please help me because I become crazy with this.
Thank you