SSL / COMODO not trusted anymore


Verified User
Sep 11, 2004
Temecula, CA
I don't know when exactly it happened, but all of a sudden I get the un-trusted popups in the secure pages of my site.

I'm using my certificate as the server certificate, so under my ssl options I just have it set to 'use server certificate.'

I re-created a ca.txt file from the original COMODO file. I also tried using 2 other versions of the file that their support sent me. Nothing worked.

On the domain I have this cert for, I have set the following in the custom config area:

SSLCACertificateFile /etc/httpd/conf/ca.txt

You can 'view certificate' and it has all the correct information which is why I am pretty sure the problem is with the ca.txt

Can anyone suggest what might be going wrong here?
i had put other domains on that ip, and that was causing it. i moved that site to its own account/ip and then it is working.

i really wish there was a way for the ip's to be assigned to a domain rather than a user.