SSL explanation


Verified User
May 4, 2005
I've tried reading a lot on and about how to install ssl and i do also have a few doubts.

Firstly, i installed the key and the certificate through the directadmin ssl manager, i got a response stating that the ssl would successfully show up as secured on my server.

But it never did, or do i need to do something more?

next i also placed them into the etc/httpd/conf/ssl.crt and etc/httpd/conf/ssl.key as server.key and server.crt respectively.

I also made sure the httpd config file in the etc/httpd/conf/ folder was edited to those paths mentioned above.

Now what else do i need to do?

if i type in it doesnt show up

So what am i missing?

Best Regards
Did you compile apache with ssl ?
Did you activate ssl on DA domains you want to use ?
and how to do that?

please explain :)

compile apache....the command codes would be appreciated as i use putty(ssh) to do stuff

Best Regards
Amit, let's start at the beginning.

I believe xemaps' response to be a red herring; I don't see how you could compile apache without ssl, since DA compiles apache, and it automatically compiles it with ssl.

Why don't you give your real domain name so we can do some looking?
