SSL - IP Assignment


Verified User
Sep 14, 2006
Ive not gone down this road yet, but need to ask a couple of questions.

1. How do you install an SSL? (what form does it take)?
2. When i look at the Admin >> IP Management
it seems that i can only assign a individual IP to a Admin or Reseller?
I'm not seeing any user accounts?

I ask that question as a User who is not a reseller is needing a SSL certificate,
and when i turn on the options it says it can not be used as he needs a dedicated ip assigned to it.

3. Are there any SSL certificates i shouldn't Trust?
My Hosts can offer me a SSL at a reasonable rate but i'm sure there is cheaper?
Or my user wants to use his own?

4. Does a SSL have any impact on other users?
As ive read a topic where an admin experiences ssh problems for the
rest of his clients?

Any help for a newbie with SSL appreciated.

Thanks in Advance Mark.
1. How do you install an SSL? (what form does it take)?
Once you assign a static IP# to the user and the reseller turns on SSL for that user, there's a page where you can install the Certificate.
2. When i look at the Admin >> IP Management
it seems that i can only assign a individual IP to a Admin or Reseller?
I'm not seeing any user accounts?
The admin assigns an IP# to the reseller, the reseller assigns it to the user.
3. Are there any SSL certificates i shouldn't Trust?
My Hosts can offer me a SSL at a reasonable rate but i'm sure there is cheaper?
And since you don't tell us what he's charging there's no way to tell.

We've sold Certificates for many years, and frankly there's a lot of confusion.

Unless your user is a bank or nationally-known organization, they generally want the least expensive. You can spend as little as $10 or as much as $1000 or more, for a certificate. The differentiating factor is generally the size of the warranty but the warranty is generally useless to your customer or his customers; the warranty protects someone who went to a phishing site and relied on a Certificate issued to the phishing site. Think about it.

We sell both Comodo and GeoTrust Certificates, and our clients have been happy with both. Of the two the main difference is that Comodo Certificates require a chained root certificate be installed as well. While some people see that as hard to do, DirectAdmin makes it easy. While some people see that as a mark of an inferior Certificate, it's actually more secure. Our pricing is based on the effort we put in, the value of our reputation and our replacement guarantee (not the same as the warranty; see above).
Or my user wants to use his own?
Easiest for you; the user is responsible for buying and installing, and if s/he makes a mistake, it's not your problem.
4. Does a SSL have any impact on other users?
As ive read a topic where an admin experiences ssh problems for the
rest of his clients?
Never heard of this and we've been selling certs somewhere in the neighborhood of ten years.

The Topic i found was

Wow Thanks for that Reply thats answered alot of my questions. And More.
Thanks Jlasman

My customer is now using a shopping cart software, and he's using
google check out and this is why he needs a cert, as he keeps
getting errors. (His input not mine).

Thanks for your help :)
I didn't see anything about ssh in the thread you linked to.
Jeff, that was a great response, and seems to be exactly what I'm also trying to do: One user wants to install an SSL certificate.

Q1: Will I need to get an extra IP address assigned only to that user?

The admin assigns an IP# to the reseller, the reseller assigns it to the user.

Q2: I am the only admin and the only reseller, but I don't see where in DA as the reseller I "assign" an IP to a user. My "server" IP has 11 users on it, while my second "shared" IP is assigned to admin reseller and has 0 users on it.
q1: yes

q2: Admin control panel: IP Management
Reseller control panel: IP Management

Actually, it looks like this is the flow:

1. Get a new IP address for server.
2. Admin assigns it to reseller.
3. Reseller makes sure the IP is "free" with 0 users on it.
3. Reseller modifies user to use new IP address.
4. On reseller's IP management page, the IP now shows as owned by that user.

The reseller IP management page is not used to assign IPs to an owner. It can only make IPs shared or free. And it shows the status.