SSL - Is it necessary?


Verified User
May 7, 2004
I set up my DA server and I already got installatron working 100%, but I am running into a lot of little issues that I don't know if I want to pass on to my users. When they go to log into their user panels having to always be concious of the https, Installatron always popping up errors because it is trying ot download images from a nonsecure site.

I know that for security you want to use SSL but are the benefits really outweighing the hassles as long as I have good backups.

Thanks in advance.
SSL is absolutely necessary.

Having good backups doesn't eliminate hours to days of downtimes if/when you ever get hacked.

And you probably won't have good backups of mysql databases and/or mailstores, especially if any of your clients use IMAP.

So get the problem solved with installatron.

Edit your post, and change the post subject to: Problem using ssl logins with Installatron to get Phil's attention, or write him a private message.

Get your problem resolved, but continue to use SSL for administration.
