SSL Mail on IMAP


Verified User
Apr 16, 2013

I have a domain with a SSL certificate and I want to send my mail secure.

But how to setup that?

I tried to check the box "use SSL" with port 465 but I can't connects.
As servers is use:

Those 2 are in my DNS pointing to my server.
I have a domain with a SSL certificate and I want to send my mail secure.

But how to setup that?
Exactly what do you want to do, Mitch? Please be more specific.

Do you want to send your email encrypted between servers on the Internet? You do that by implementing encryption inside your email client, generally using either PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) or GPG (Gnu Privacy Guard, the open-source equivalent); most email clients support one or the other or both. It works with key pairs, and you'll need a way to distribute your public key.

Do you want to send your email unencrypted between servers, but send it encrypted between you and your servers? That's not really any more secure than sending it unencrypted, but it can be done. Does your server support encrypted smtp over port 465? I believe that by default DirectAdmin based servers are configured to use TLS over port 587.

Best compromise is generally to send passwords encrypted, email as plaintext, unless you encrypt it on a per-email level using PGP or GPG. If I recall correctly, DirectAdmin installations should do that by default.
I tried to check the box "use SSL" with port 465 but I can't connects.
As servers is use:
Can you select port 587 with TLS? Don;t forget these are simply submission ports, and won't encrypt the email stream through Dovecot or between servers through smtp.
You may get an error the first time you connect after login, but you can always tell your local mail client to ignore the error.
