SSL problems on reseller level


New member
Mar 7, 2015
I have the a domain under the admin of the reseller. And cannot add an ssl certificate.

This is what i have to do. But can't because the admin is not under the list of users.
3) At this step, we assume the the Reseller has a free IP available. To assign that IP to the User to use, go to:
Reseller Level -> List Users -> username -> Modify User username

Can you help me?
I'm a bit confused by the way you've phrased your question; I imagine it's a translation issue...

Do you mean the domain is at the user level of the admin login?

Or is it at the reseller level of the admin login?

If the former then the only way you can do this inside DirctAdmin is by installing your Certificate as a shared Certificate. This is not the recommended solutlon unless you can't get a second IP#.

If the latter, then you should be able to assign the new IP# to admin, and then under the reseller level of the admin login assign it to your user.
