Stale dependencies after php and apache update


Verified User
Sep 29, 2005
was wondering if anyone has the solution to my problem, after following the following link which is outlined below I have come across a few stale dependencies when trying to do a portuprade on a few packages that have been installed via ports, examples in particular are clamav and pear-PEAR-1.3.5_1, I am being told in the error that they have stale dependencies, by the way I am running Freebsd 5.4 and was wondering if anyone had any solutions to my problem, I have also tried to do a portupgrade -O to force the update and still having the same problem, this only appears to have happened when upgrading php to 4.4.2 and apache to 1.3.37, also running a pkgdb -F doesnt appear to work and dont want to cause any issues with other packages that could affect DA.

Steps Taken:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/customapache
./build clean
rm -f configure.*
./build update
./build all

/usr/local/etc/rc.d/httpd restart

08:50 AM[root@colo#] portupgrade -i pear-PEAR-1.3.5_1
---> Session started at: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 08:50:41 +1200
Stale dependency: pear-PEAR-1.3.5_1 --> php4-4.4.0 -- manually run 'pkgdb -F' to fix, or specify -O to force.

08:50 AM[root@colo# ]portupgrade -i clamav-0.88.2_1
---> Session started at: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 08:51:28 +1200
Stale dependency: clamav-0.88.2_1 --> curl-7.15.3 -- manually run 'pkgdb -F' to fix, or specify -O to force.

Would appreciate any ideas anyone has as these packages need to be updated due to them being out of date.
Still issues.

okay so I have just tried updating my ports tree using cvsup, I then tried to re-compile php and apache again following the same process, I am now running php 4.4.3, however I am still having the same dependency problems again, its as if the updated packages arnt telling my ports tree that php4.4.0 doesnt exist anymore and its a newer version.

Anyone got any ideas.. please :)
Contact me at ICQ, MSN or Skype, and I will fix that for you.
sweeeeeet, thanks bud, that would be much appreciated :) will chat to you tomorrow from work if you are online, I will message ya tomorrow :)

I give a big ups to smtalk for helping me sort this problem out.. Thanks for all the help bud, your a legend :)

all we did was nuke all the stale dependencies from the pkgdb and re-compiled php and updated to 4.4.4 :)
