strange dovecot errors


Verified User
Jan 16, 2006
Apeldoorn, Netherlands
Hi, i have uninstalled dovecot from our directadmin server.

but these strange errors do show up in errortaskq.log:

2024:08:14-09:19:20: Error reloading service dovecot : uid 0 gid 0 : /usr/bin/systemctl reload dovecot.service >/dev/null 2>/dev/null : returned 1

2024:08:14-07:26:08: Ssl::ensusure_dovecot_sni_dir: Error creating /etc/dovecot/conf/sni: mkdir(/etc/dovecot/conf/sni) error: No such file or directory<br>

2024:08:14-07:26:08: Ssl::write_mail_sni:subdomain.customer.tld: Error writing /etc/dovecot/conf/sni/subdomain.customer.tld.conf: Unable to open /etc/dovecot/conf/sni/subdomain.customer.tld.conf for writing: No such file or directory<br>

how can we prevent these? we are monitoring the directadmin logs with icinga and a self written bash script.
Hi, i have uninstalled dovecot from our directadmin server.
Why did you uninstall Dovecot? You use something else?
If you don't want to use dovecot, you could just have it installed and then disable it from starting and also disable DA's monitoring.

Logically accounts also have e-mail so DA will try and generate things for the customer as the log shows.

So I would suggest to install dovecot back again. Then disable it from startop and remove it from the service.status file so DA won't check if it's running or not and not try to start it again.

Maybe there is a better method, but that this seems an easy one to me.