Strange message after Clamscan concerning DirectAdmin


Verified User
Jun 12, 2016
After I ran a clamscan I got this message. I Googled it but couldn't find anything. Is this something to worry about?

/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/apr-util-1.5.4.tar.gz: Xml.Exploit.CVE_2013_3860-3 FOUND
Please read about it here:

Here is a quote from the link:

"Apache responded to my email, and quite promptly (very impressive). They stated:
Hi <thanos023>. It's intentionally added test data. We use it to make sure the related vulnerability fix isn't regressed. Usually only developers of this library would have the test data on-disk. You may want to take it up with whoever supplied your LAMP binaries if you don't want it to re-appear when you apply maintenance."

So maybe DirectAdmin developers should delete that file and replace it with one without it? I made some of the text in bold above. Maybe someone could ask smtalk about it?

I can mention that Clamav does not find this on any of my servers, and I am running newest apache and apr-util, however I have not recompiled apache since last new release. So this must have been added sometimes after the last apache release.

Edit: My link mention CVE_2013_3860-1, but the topic starter mention CVE_2013_3860-3, so I am not 100% sure that it is the same thing, however both cases is part of apr-util, and I think it is the same thing or closely related.
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