Strange perl in httpd process


Verified User
Jun 19, 2003
/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL (perl5.8.8)

I have seen that process running occassionally over the past few days when the server load has shot up really high. Does it have something to do with the backup process?

FreeBSD 5.5 running everything up to date. No perl scripts running (that I know about.....).
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We are also getting this and is happening almost everyday and we have to kill the process due the higher load it causes,

We also get it with -SSL as well as -DSSL

It only seems to have been happening in the last few months.

We running RHEL3 up to date.

I hope someone can shed some light on this.
This is normal and there is nothing to be alarmed about. Without going into details.
This is normal and there is nothing to be alarmed about. Without going into details.

If you don't mind, please do shed some light on these Perl processes as I'd like to know why they were consuming so much CPU resources.

I found that upgrading PHP and re-installing Apache seems to have killed them off, and they weren't related to scripts in /tmp.

Did you discover the cause of this?

It looks to have been caused by people using old version of phpBB2 which had not be patched to up to fixed some well known vulnerablities.

We gave our users a notice to update within 48 hours. If they had not updated after that time we removed the appropriate phpBB2 module.

Go to the phpBB2 forums as the info is there.

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We gave our users a notice to update within 48 hours. If they had not updated after that time we removed the appropriate phpBB2 module.

Go to the phpBB2 forums as the info is there.

Hi netmotiv8,

I've been searching through the PHPBB forums and couldn't find anything related.

Could you kindly direct me to the relevant information, or just provide it in this thread please?

Also how did you "remove the appropriate phpBB2 module"?

Many thanks in advance!