Suddenly bad domain management performance


New member
May 17, 2024
I'm experiencing delays when managing domains on my DirectAdmin server and would like to know if there's anything I can do. I have about 500 domains and since about 2 weeks the performance is very bad with several timeouts when adding subdomains, ip adresses, deleting domains, etc.

Before this time we had no problems with more domains than this... So I'm wondering what could possibly be wrong with our configuration.

When running the server in debug "2000" mode I get ~500 rows of this whenever I manage any domain in any way:

Ssl::ensure_sni_read(/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/username/domains/ has permissions:
/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/username/domains/ 'diradmin:access' -rw-r-----, viewed as root:root

I've tried running "/usr/local/directadmin/scripts/ all" which made it better but not as good as before.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm using DirectAdmin v.1.663.

Do you use a MultiServer feature from DirectAdmin for DNS clustering or for any other reasons?
We're utilizing 10 different IP addresses across the domains on a single server.

Edit: I don't know if that answers your question, please correct me if it doesn't.
I have always experienced slowness when there are more than a couple hundred domains under one user. Try creating more users and adding domains to them.
It should be accessed as admin. Do you have an admin access? Or you host 500+ domains as a reseller/user only?
With the admin account I get "Multi Server is currently turned OFF" when accessing /evo/admin/multi-server.

The domains are added using one "regular" user, yes.
I have always experienced slowness when there are more than a couple hundred domains under one user. Try creating more users and adding domains to them.
Sure, but I had no problems whatsoever until recently (about 2 weeks). So I'm looking for a solution. Creating domains under other users only means I can't access files between them as I want to. I guess there's a solution to that as well, I just haven't figured it out yet. :)
This problem have big issued, if you using retail license, I suggest create support ticket and let's DA Team debug by themself.

I believe the user Ohm J is right, you might open a ticket and let the developers team to investigate the issue.

If your license does not include a support, then I would suggest debugging Directadmin either by yourself or hire me for this.

Check this: if you want to do it on your own.
Thanks, I've submitted a ticket to get this solved (if possible).

If anyone has any idea of what can be done, please let me know.