Suggestion: MySQL Database Repair and Optimization


Verified User
Aug 18, 2007
New Jersey

I recently was using cPanel for a client of mine. I haven't used cPanel in years.
Their latest version is very impressive..

What impressed me the most, compared to DirectAdmin, is the ability to repair and optimize MySQL databases/tables within the control panel. (Not even in phpMyAdmin)

Can you add this feature to DirectAdmin?
Maybe DirectAdmin has this feature already since nobody is replying to it?
If so, where is it?
I think it sounds like a decent idea. Shouldn't be that hard to implement either. :)
I won't use these kind of features, one day some dumb users will go into there and click every database for backup download and optimize and checking, then your server will be crash right away. I don't even allow users to download or create backup inside DA, because if they have couple DBs and with couple hundreds megs size when they need backup they definely will click download all of them at once and your server will be compressing with serveral instances imagine how high your server load will go up to, of couse these kind of problems don't apply to 16 cores 8 sas servers, sadly I only have quad cores and slow hdds.
I won't use these kind of features, one day some dumb users will go into there and click every database for backup download and optimize and checking, then your server will be crash right away. I don't even allow users to download or create backup inside DA, because if they have couple DBs and with couple hundreds megs size when they need backup they definely will click download all of them at once and your server will be compressing with serveral instances imagine how high your server load will go up to, of couse these kind of problems don't apply to 16 cores 8 sas servers, sadly I only have quad cores and slow hdds.
Do you allow the use of PHPMyAdmin? It has those same features as well. Even if you don't, a simple query can do it.
mysql_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `table`");
They could even make a script to loop through their databases and optimize/backup/etc everything.

I don't think having an option to hide those features would be too bad of an idea if it's implimented cleanly, but I just hope you're not thinking that you're out of the bad spot because they're hidden from users (safety by obscurity)
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