Super User - FTP Account


Verified User
Dec 28, 2005

I have create a reseller account for a reseller; he`s making the users accounts for his customers. If he logged to FTP, he saw only this account`s home. He would like to see all his users. He makes website for his customers, so its very pretty to use FTP like root, access to all users; he want be a "Super User".

Who can i made a user of a reseller, who can log from FTP to /home direoctry where all users and domains is avaible, so he can add/ remove or edit anyfile and directory.

Let me know it please

Thank you very much.
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DirectAdmin's security model doesn't allow an ftp user write access to any other files but his own.

But you can always edit the proftpd.conf file manually and make a user availabled, but... it is manual.
You'd have to change a lot of rights, as well.

I spent about ten minutes trying to figure out an easy way to do it before I posted what I did.
