support for Cyrillic domain


New member
Jun 26, 2012

Directadmin allows user to add domain in Cyrillic characters.
It does not convert the name to punycod. And when, we using php in fastcgi mode we have a troubles with a names of wrappers. Its in Cyrillic - and apache get to crash.
If anyone knows how to disable directadmin to add domain name, using not a latin letters?
Maybe directadmin can itself to convert not latin domain names to a punycode and add domain names to configs in punycode.

Thanks in advance for suggestions.

The question is not whether to use punycode, then the problem is that DA allows any user to enter the domain name with any characters. This is the problem of DA developers, who does not know the standard RFC.

There is available in public JavaScript and PHP implementations of converters from Cyrillic to PunyCode. That is what we use for our customers.

We add a simple JavaScript code in /usr/local/directadmin/data/skins/<skin_name>/user/add_domain.html And all of ours customers are happy to add Cyrillic domains.

There is available in public JavaScript and PHP implementations of converters from Cyrillic to PunyCode. That is what we use for our customers.

We add a simple JavaScript code in /usr/local/directadmin/data/skins/<skin_name>/user/add_domain.html And all of ours customers are happy to add Cyrillic domains.

Interesting to hear when the direktadmin will support other languages than English (domain names).
There are three official languages in Canada.

Developers should finish the script, and it must work without any problems.

Also, try this script to add a domain of 20-30, if correct script, the domain will be added to punycode.

And now the fun part:
How the users will search the domain necessary for them???
It is too interesting!:D

Domain names in directadmin MUST be shown by Cyrillic (or language on what it was added)!!!!!! But in system use (wrappers, dir names, apache configs, etc) all of it MUST be used in punycode to prevent system crash.
And now the fun part:
How the users will search the domain necessary for them???
It is too interesting!:D

We've done it for us since the year of starting RF-domains in Russia. And what exactly is funny for you? While you're laughing here we've got it working without any issue. All domains in Directadmin are printed in both ways as Cyrillic and as punycoded.

The way how it looks while you're browsing your homedir (FTP/Directadmin File manager) has little to do with Directadmin itself. Of course it makes difficulties to find proper domain while working via FTP. But we don't worry much about it.
For more information:
If the user adds the 20-30 domain to his account and all domains have a Cyrillic name, then head on his page, they will be displayed in punikode.

How the user can search for your domain if he knows his name in Cyrillic?

Convert name to punycode, copy it and ctrl+f to find out a domain name???
Its a TOO bad idea.

That's what I'm telling you: the user in his account should see the correct domain name but not the encoding punikod. But for the system should be used punikod.

And Directadmin should automatically check domain name and (if it needs) convert to punycode, use punycode for system, but show in user area CORRECT DOMAIN NAME but not a punycode. Punycode can be also visible near domain name for more information.
Didn't you read my previous post?

We've done it for us since the year of starting RF-domains in Russia.... All domains in Directadmin are printed in both ways as Cyrillic and as punycoded.

The way how it looks while you're browsing your homedir (FTP/Directadmin File manager) has little to do with Directadmin itself. Of course it makes difficulties to find proper domain while working via FTP. But we don't worry much about it.

By the way what will apache and exim/dovecot say if you try to add a Cyrillic domain? I didn't try that, because I'm sured that they won't like it. Since that on system level all domains in homedirs are presented in PunyCode format. But in Directadmin our customers can see them both ways. Directadmin was customized by me personally for the support of such domains.

And since I'm not working for JBMC Software I can not say why Directadmin does not support such domains from a box. So if you want it, you should post a feature request in proper subforum.