Support Ticket Problem (another)


Verified User
Oct 14, 2003
Hi everyone

I tried the Message System and I have a problem:

The user submits the problem and I (admin) receive one email with the subject and a link to open it. All this is ok. But when I login in my account I dont get any new message system messages and if I open the "message system" doesnt show any message (new or old)... only if I go directly through the link I receive in the email I get there to the message.. but only that way! (I have checked and the login I use for admin is the user that owns the user that submited the message)

When I respond to that message the user receives the email and the message on his part as new (all fine here...).

Made some tests with a reseller account and a user of him... and had the same problem...

Also isnt a skin problem because I tried with 2 different skins...

Please help me


The Message System (the link on all pages) is for communicating with people of higher rank thank you.. (eg user to reseller or reseller to admin). For an admin, the "Message System" link is used only when the system send him messages about services and usage notifications.

The link you are looking for is only on the Admin Panel and Reseller Panel main pages, closer to the bottom. (Default skin, bottom right as "You have 0 new support request(s).".

They're two different pages. One is for requesting support, the other is for giving support :)

Still having the same problem.

If I login with the Admin, on the Admin area or going to Reseller area, the Message System doesnt show any message (new or old).

Tried to do this only with a reseller login and have the same problem. Only by the link of the email I can have access to the ticket.. it isnt showed anywhere on the panel...