Suspended Account problem


New member
Aug 5, 2004
Aotearoa, New Zealand
Can someone suggest what might be happening here?

At least 4 times per week the following message is appearing....

This account has been suspended.
Either the domain has been overused, or the reseller ran out of resources.

I did exceed bandwidth on July 15th but have not exceeded it since.

I am having to go in to DirectAdmin at least 3 or 4 times a day to check that the site is still active and if necessary, I unsuspend it.

I would appreciate any suggestions please.

Thanking you in anticipation

John Simpson
Thank you for responding.

Our hosts have increased bandwidth to 1 gb and disk space to 50 mb. For the last 3 weeks we've averaged 20 mb of disk and 254 mb bandwidth.

This has our hosting company scratching their heads as well.


John S
Did you ever find a solution to this? I have a user's account which continually suspends itself, yet the resources for his account show plenty of storage and bandwidth available.


John, your hosting company is going to have to resolve this issue.

jlasman said:
John, your hosting company is going to have to resolve this issue.
Hi, I am not John, but I am my hosting company. Do you know what is causing this problem? My user's resources are well within his limits, yet it is still suspending once a day.


Log in as root and run this command:

# find / -user <username>

where <username> should be replaced by the name of the user, and the "#" mark doesn't get typed; it's there to remind you that you run the command as root.

and you'll find all the files owned by the user.

jlasman said:
Log in as root and run this command:

# find / -user <username>

where <username> should be replaced by the name of the user, and the "#" mark doesn't get typed; it's there to remind you that you run the command as root.

and you'll find all the files owned by the user.
Not trying to be snide, but I am confused by the relevance of doing this. I did do a du -sh /home/hisuser and the storage usage was about the same as reported in his control panel.

My issue is that Direct Admin is reporting he is way under his usage limits, yet DA has been supending the account once daily. If he was at his limits, wouldn't it be reported in the control panel?


Not be snide, but files owned by the user don't necessarily have to reside in his home directory path.


I have no idea if this will help you or not, but it's certainly an important place to start.

Places other than /home/${domainowner} that would/could cause overusage are:
/etc/virtual/${domainname} - mailing list archives could get huge
/var/lib/mysql/${dbname} - mysql database
/var/spool/mail/${domainowner} - domain owner's mailbox
/var/spool/virtual/${domainname} - any virtual mailboxes

These are main ones, that I can see causing more disk usage that you might expect. This is not to say that there are not other places that that would count towards your disk usage. Also, it is possible, that at the time of the tally, a large email or two could still be enough to make it go over.

Also, make sure DA is up to date, I believe there were a couple of quota things fixed a couple of versions ago.