Switching curl from CB to OS version


Verified User
Apr 7, 2023
Brussels, Belgium
Like many of you, we have several DirectAdmin installations that historically used the curl version supplied by CustomBuild. This has, since curl was pulled from CustomBuild, resulted in a lot of messages like "cURL 7.84.0 to OS update is available.". With the upcoming very serious security issue in curl (see and https://github.com/curl/curl/discussions/12026 ), we are worried that the custombuild curl and libcurl are still being used on our DirectAdmin installations and that PHP is still build against them. We've therefore been looking into how we could purge the CustomBuild version of curl and fully switch to the OS version (which will receive updates for this security issue for sure).

Has anyone figured out how to do this yet? We can't seem to find anything conclusive on the forums and it's not explained anywhere in documentation (or my googling skills are very bad, that's also an option). Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Just run the cURL 7.84.0 to OS update available with CB and it will install latest availble curl version of youre OS.
That's what I expected. But when we run "da build curl", it acts as if that's not a valid command and prints the help information with all the different commands that exist. Is there some other command you're using to perform this update?
I'm not sure how DA migrate from compiler script into OS version.

but if you update DA to latest version, It should migrate curl too. ( If they still support to migrate from compiler script into OS version). if your server doesn't get migrate CURL with lastest DA. I suggest create support ticket to let DA Team migrate for you.
Nope, this will get automatics migration. maybe you leave your server without update from version to version. that's why you don't get migrate, due they already remove migration system(maybe).

I have datacenter license on one server and migrate without issued.

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Use evolution skin and trying goto custombuild UI page and see there have any update curl to OS version or not. if not ( I guest DA already remove migration system.

So I don't know how to cleanup this. Because just install OS version doesn't meant it automatic remove compiler CURL.