switching OS fedora -> debian


Verified User
Jul 6, 2005
Since most of our serverpark consists of debian woody/sarge systems, we like to change our current directadmin server from FedoraCore3 to debian sarge.

We can use a spare system to install directadmin/debian, move all sites to the temporary server, install debian/directadmin onto the current server and move all sites back.

Do we need a license upgrade (IP stays the same, so my guess is not) to perform this task and can we use our (fedora)license to install a directadmin for debian sarge?
You'll need to have your license changed. Licenses for one OS don't work on another.

Contact DA sales.

Ok, but even when the license is changed, can all settings/sites be copied to the new systemen without any modifications? So, is FC3=>Debian the same as upgrading from FC3=>FC4 ?