System Info php Installed


Verified User
Jan 28, 2022
Hi guys! Heed info, w is mean System Info php Installed - some wrong? Please help

If it's installed it is working.
PHP is not a binary, so not a daemong so can't show "running" as it's nothing which can run. You can run php scripts, but you can't "run" php as in a daemon like named or Exim or something like that.

So that's the reason it's only showing "installed" and not "running", because php is no daemon. very match DO you can see config file All ok?
i'm worry because w install time no run 3 comand
./build apache
./build php n
./build rewrite_confs

CustomBuild 2.0=========================

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build version
./build update
./build all d

may be its problems?

2022-01-31_110803.png very match DO you can see config file All ok?
i'm worry because w install time no run 3 comand
If all says running it should be OK.

On the new install method, it will install in the background. If you want to see the installation happening, you have to add a command line option otherwise all will be installed in the background nowadays.
There is a thread on the forums from DA staff about the new licensing and installation methods.

So it looks everything is fine.

Are you having any problems then? If yes, which problems? for help, I try this panel for the first time, I'm not a programmer and it no easy for me. Now I try SSL Free & automatic certificate from Let's Encrypt Ill do it, but website no come to ssl Certificate NO GOOD

I have more problems. do you can help please
i cant safe folder to /domain/CAN'T HERE [Cannot Execute Your Request Path does not exist]
NEED HERE /domains/
Never use the hostname indeed.

Domains are resided in:
subdomains are in:
and they can be called either by or

If you want to only be able to call the subdomain via with it's own public_html directory, then you have to go to your domain manager and add the subdomain like a real domain. So create new domain and create as domain name.

Again, never never never use the hostname.
Well that's odd. Names like server1 are normally only used for hostnames, so it's a bit odd that you use such name for a subdomain.
I USE some subdomaim like ftp server and good name like
I try add subdomain to add domain and after see folder in /domain/ and here all pub and bla bla
It's still odd use. You could just as well just ftp:/ is just as easy. But it's your choice, I don't mind.

Yes, if you add a subdomain as domain, it will be /home/user/domains/ etc. etc.
Isn't that what you wanted?
some times no fun, get it - - [01/Feb/2022:20:24:45 +0100] "GET /.well-known/acme-challenge/letsencrypt_1643743485_2abf187975721dc2 HTTP/1.1" 301 567 "-" "curl/7.68.0"
site no work