take part backup on backup server


Verified User
Dec 20, 2019
i have a server via 100 GB space.
one user has 80 GB file and I want take backup this user.

so I have a backup Server via 500 GB space.

but my problem is when take bakup. directadmin compress all 80 GB files and save in tmp directory in my server.

so my server not have enough space for saving compress file... and backup has error or not complected...
directAdmin give this error:
"Error Compressing the backup file user.admin.cdnbayan.tar.gz :
gzip: stdout: No space left on device "

how can take bakup part of part my files for example take 4 file 20GB and upload each file on my backup server???

and sorry for my english :)
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exclude /datadir from backup, then backup this large directories separately or by rsync
In such case you must backup it manually, or extend VPS disk space.
Or backup large static directory manually once, then exclude them from backup:
You can also use incremental backups instead of full backups, there are some plugins like:
