Taking out mail services from one server running httpd


Verified User
Jan 22, 2004
Will it be possible to run apache (web serving) services on 1 server while taking out the mail services and have it on another server? More of balancing the load in a way, one of my client requested for such a set up and of course will be running DA.
Anything is possible, etegration.

Even striking a match on a wet cake of soap (ask for details if you're interested).

But some things are certainly easier than others.

DirectAdmin is not a multiserver control panel.

To do it you'll need to set up one copy of DA for hosting and another for Email.

Using your own login, custom skins and http tunneling between the servers you can make it fairly transparent to your users.

You'd have to create your own login system, program your own front end so your customers can make configuration updates on the server handling the service they're updating, and either reskin everything or create your own complete frontend, doing with http tunnelling (read man curl what you can't do with APIs.

Do you want to do all that? This question is more easily answered after doing an analysis of how much time it might take you to finish and debug this certainly non-trivial project vs how much time it might take before DA offers the functionality (which is only a bit less non-trivial for them), if ever, how much it might cost you in man-hours/currency to get it done, and how much income you'd be losing.

Of course there are other control panels that do it already, but that's a story for another thread on another forum.

I'm quite happy with DA exactly the way it is :).

jlasman said:
Anything is possible, etegration.

Even striking a match on a wet cake of soap (ask for details if you're interested).

But some things are certainly easier than others.

DirectAdmin is not a multiserver control panel.

To do it you'll need to set up one copy of DA for hosting and another for Email.

Using your own login, custom skins and http tunneling between the servers you can make it fairly transparent to your users.

You'd have to create your own login system, program your own front end so your customers can make configuration updates on the server handling the service they're updating, and either reskin everything or create your own complete frontend, doing with http tunnelling (read man curl what you can't do with APIs.

Do you want to do all that? This question is more easily answered after doing an analysis of how much time it might take you to finish and debug this certainly non-trivial project vs how much time it might take before DA offers the functionality (which is only a bit less non-trivial for them), if ever, how much it might cost you in man-hours/currency to get it done, and how much income you'd be losing.

Of course there are other control panels that do it already, but that's a story for another thread on another forum.

I'm quite happy with DA exactly the way it is :).


Hi Jeff, thanks for your quality post as usual.

Will it then be possible to just take out the mail functions and have it on another server with or without DA then?

PS: Stiking a match on a wet piece of soap? hey, that interesting, details pls. :D
etegration said:
Will it then be possible to just take out the mail functions and have it on another server with or without DA then?
Yes, with the custom programming I mentioned.
PS: Stiking a match on a wet piece of soap? hey, that interesting, details pls. :D
I used to know the name of the metal (in powder form) that would explode when wet; I can't remember it now.

Make the match with a head out of that metal powder, and make sure the soap is very wet.


mail.domain.com MX mail.domain.com
mail.domain.com A 111.222.333.444

Replace the A record IP with another mailserver

Then at the other mailserver you need to setup an email account (using exim or any others) that recieves it..

Aslong as the username/password/authentication setup is identical the user wouldnt even have to change any settings in his client ;)

To have that automated is another question.... but since DA has upon email creation custom scripts also its far from impossible....

(May include this as a module for DirectAssistant)

